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For traffic related to Mälartåg and Movingo, Mälardalstrafik uses contracted operators or resources provided by our owners. Here are some of our partners:


Transdev has the task of running the Mälartåg service on five lines: Örebro-Eskilstuna-Stockholm-Uppsala, Norrköping-Nyköping-Stockholm, Hallsberg-Katrineholm-Stockholm, Uppsasla-Sala-Västerås-Eskilstuna-Linköping and Uppsala-Tierp-Gävle. MTR is also responsible for maintenance of the train fleet.

Read more about Transdev


We have an agreement with SJ on period card validity for Movingo, which gives travellers on SJ's regional train lines in Stockholm-Mälardalen the opportunity of travelling with Movingo. This is complemented by sales agreements that allow Movingo tickets to be sold - in addition to our own channels - through SJ's app och 

Read more about SJ

Lokförare i sin hytt

Trosabussen - Åkerbergs Trafik

The Trosabus runs daily service on the Trosa-Liljeholmen route. Through our Movingo season ticket validity agreement, travellers can travel with a Movingo ticket on this bus route. 

Read more about the Trosa bus

Trosabussen i Vagnhärad

AB Transitio

AB Transitio, which is owned by regions in Sweden, procures and rents trains for the services we operate under the name Mälartåg.

Read more about Transitio

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