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Punctuality 2022

Reliable and punctual service with trains running on time is important to increase sustainable travel by regional trains in the Stockholm-Mälaren valley. Here you can find regularly report on the punctuality of the regional train services of the Mälartåg lines for January-December 2022.

Mälartåg punctuality Jan - Dec 2022

  Örebro-Eskilstuna - Sthlm-Uppsala  Linköping- Eskilstuna- Västerås- Sala-*Uppsala  Hallsberg-Katrineholm- Stockholm Norrköping-Nyköping-Stockholm Uppsala-Tierp-Gävle  
January 74% 88% 87% 86%  
February 78% 85% 67% 85%  
March 78% 85% 35% 84%  
April 72% 86% 83% 86%  
May 78% 86% 87% 87%  
June  85% 85%* 88%  88% 94%  
July 87% 89%* 89% 92% 94%  
August  84% 88%* 88% 90% 94%  
September 87% 89%* 88% 87% 96%  
October 87% 86%* 89% 85% 95%  
November  87% 88% 91% 91% 94%  
December 85% 89% 84% 88% 90%  
*= Due to the integration of Upptåget the 12th of june 2022 the line now also includes Uppsala. 
December 2022: The total punctuality of Mälartåg was 88 percent for December, a decrease of 3 percentage compared to the previous month. The month was marked by harsh winter weather with snow and ice, which affected the infrastructure due to problems with tracks and switches. There were unusually many accidents during December, which led to delays and stops. On December 7, a technical fault also occurred at Trafikverket. All trains in traffic had to to stop at the platforms. This led to major delays and cancellations in traffic.
November 2022: The overall punctuality of Mälartåg was 91 procent for November, an increase of 1 percentage point compared to October 2022. On three of the lines, more than nine out of ten trains were on time – Norrköping-Nyköping-Stockholm, Uppsala-Gävle and Hallsberg-Katrineholm-Stockholm. The heavy snowfall was the biggest traffic affecting event during the month, when SMHI issued an orange warning and the Swedish Transport Administration requested that the train companies reduce their traffic.
October 2022: The overall punctuality for October was 90 percent which is a decrease of 1 percent compared to September. At the beginning of the month, a catenary fault occurred at Linköping which affected traffic to a large extent. Maintenance work between Sala and Västerås affected the route Uppsala-Sala-Västerås-Eskilstuna-Katrineholm-Linköping. The lack of train drivers has affected the general traffic this month as well, as have several wildlife accidents and unauthorized people on the track.
September 2022: Punctuality increased in September to 91 percent. Continued challenges with staff shortages at MTR led to delays and canceled departures this month as well. Several cases of unauthorized people and wild animals on the tracks led to long delays affecting several trains. Traffic was also affected by maintenance work at Södertälje station and signal failures at Kolmården and Örebro Södra, which caused major consequential delays.
August 2022: Punctuality remained at 90 percent during the month of August. A number of accidents occurred on all railway lines and a signal failure at Norrköping central station led to disruptions at the end of the month. August was also marked by faults with overhead contact lines and vehicle failure. Shortage of personnel, where regular staff were missing, but where substitutes could help out on short notice, also led to delays from the departure station and depot.
July, 2022: Punctuality rose during the month of July to 90 percent. Despite reduced traffic, there was still a shortage of train drivers, which led to delays. During the month of July, a number of fires occurred near the track area and caused longer traffic disruptions. During July month, overhead contact line ripping and signal failures also occurred, as well as many evictions of unauthorized people on tracks.
June 2022: Punctuality was improved in June compared to previous months and landed on 88 percent in total. MTR implemented reductions in traffic, which led to increased punctuality for the departures that were driven. During June, the number of long delays due to unauthorized persons on tracks decreased. However, there are still trail runs that cause disturbances. Traffic was affected a lot due to infrastructure failures, including a fault in an electrical installation, which caused disturbances mainly on Sörmlandspilen. A bridge fault at Kvicksund also affected traffic on Midsummer's Eve.
May 2022: Punctuality was 83 percent. A track failure between Uppsala and Knivsta had major consequences at the end of May. An extensive signal failure at Flen affected traffic and there have also been many signal faults during the month. Many accidents during the period also led to long stops, which in turn caused major delays in the route network.
April 2022: The rail replacement between Gnesta and Flen continued to delay trains during the first part of April. Since the completion of the track work, punctuality increased and the average for April was 81%, which remains low. MTR continues to face challenges with staff shortages this month. Weather conditions and infrastructure failures have also affected punctuality this month.
March 2022: An emergency rail replacement between Gnesta and Flen that lasted throughout March led to longer travel times on the route. The consequence was that few trains on the Hallsberg-Katrineholm-Stockholm (Sörmlandspilen) line were on time and that the average punctuality on Mälartåg's lines fell to 76%. Staff shortages at MTR and numerous track and switching failures also contributed to low punctuality. Linköping-Sala had the highest punctuality.
February 2022: Punctuality remained low, at 80 per cent overall for the Mälartåg lines.  In addition to staff shortages at MTR and at the Finnish Transport Agency and its subcontractors, the month was marked by many infrastructure failures. In early February, a switchyard north of Stockholm caught fire. This caused major delays mainly on the Örebro-Eskilstuna-Stockholm-Uppsala line.  Emergency track work between Gnesta and Flen led to longer journey times of up to 25 minutes on the Hallsberg-Katrineholm-Stockholm line. This track work will continue into April and will continue to cause delays on the line during this period. Several signal failures on the Norrköping-Nyköping-Stockholm line affected the punctuality of the line.
January 2022: Punctuality was low, 82% in total on Mälartåg's lines. One reason was the high spread of infection, with increased absenteeism among train crews and drivers as well as traffic controllers and maintenance contractors. Several major events also affected punctuality, such as switching failures in Linköping and on the Stockholm-Uppsala line, and an increased number of unauthorised persons on the tracks. However, there have been days when 95% of trains were on time.

Footnote: Some punctuality figures for Jan-April have been adjusted from previous communications due to an error detected in the reporting system. The error resulted in lower punctuality than the now corrected one.

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