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Movingo period ticket makes it easy to commute across regional borders with regional trains and other public transport throughout Stockholm-Mälardalen.

Movingo period ticket was launched in autumn 2017 and is highly appreciated by commuters travelling for work and study. It is an important part of the historic effort by the regions of Stockholm, Sörmland, Uppsala, Västmanland, Örebro and Östergötland to improve regional rail services.

How Movingo works

Nearby public transport, such as buses, commuter trains and the metro, is always included in the ticket.

Movingo is available as a 30-day, 90-day and 1-year ticket. Students and young people get a discounted price. 

With Movingo All Routes, you can travel free of charge on all routes throughout Mälardalen during the validity period of the ticket. 

With route-bound Movingo you can travel between two regional train stations including the surrounding local services in these counties.

Movingo applies here

Movingo applies to regional train services on Mälartåg (link to brand page), SJ (link to partner page), Tåg i Bergslagen in Västmanland, Örebro and Östergötland counties and Trosabussen (link to partner page). In addition, local services operated by SL, Sörmlandstrafiken, UL, VL, Länstrafiken Örebro and Östgötatrafiken are also included in the price.

The Movingo 5/30 ticket is valid on Mälartåg, Tåg i Bergslagen, Trosabussen, as well as in the surrounding  local públic transport, and can be purchased digitally through the Movingo app or the Movingo ticket website.  The ticket does not apply on SJ trains.

Here you can read more and buy your Movingo

Here you can read more and buy your Movingo 5/30