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Telephone and e-mail are answered on weekdays during office hours.


Phone: 08-402 76 00

Postal address

Public Transport House
Centralplan 3, 111 20 Stockholm
(not Mälartåg customer service)

Invoice address

Mälardalstrafik MÄLAB AB
House of Public Transport
Central Plan 3
111 20 Stockholm

Invoice should primarily be sent as an E-invoice via Peppol 0007:5564250610 or GLN 752556425061001. If that's not possible, it should be sent by email.

To request for public documents

please contact the registry via

Mälartåg Customer Service

For questions and comments about Mälartåg, please contact Mälartåg Customer Service via email at For customer issues, see contact details at


In our press room you can also read and subscribe to our press releases concerning Mälardalstrafik, Mälartåg and Movingo. Here you can also find press photos and contact details for our press office.

Go to Press room

Film and photo permits

If you want to film or take photographs on board Mälartåg, you need a permit, for which you can apply via our transport operator Transdev.
