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Customer service

Find answers quickly among our frequently asked questions or get help directly from our chatbot, Mälar-Märta, via the chat bubble in the corner of the page. You can also contact us for personal assistance.

Customer service

Find answers quickly among our frequently asked questions or get help directly from our chatbot, Mälar-Märta, via the chat bubble in the corner of the page. You can also contact us for personal assistance.

Compensation in case of delay

If your train is delayed or canceled, you may be entitled to compensation.

Read more or apply.

Frequently asked questions

Here you can find answers to common questions about your journey with us.

Go to FAQs.

Chat via Messenger

We are available on Facebook and happy to answer your questions via Messenger during our opening hours.

Open in Facebook


Do you have feedback or questions? We always strive to improve and are happy to hear your thoughts.

Send e-mail

Opening Hours

We are available by phone and Messenger:

Weekdays: 06:00–20:00
Weekends: 07:00–19:00

Phone number: 0771-22 44 40

When you call, you will be given the following options:
1️⃣ Delayed or canceled journey*
2️⃣ Other questions

*By selecting option 1, you can rebook your journey in case of a delay with Mälartåg for Resplus tickets. This service is available 24/7.

Resplus is a ticket for combined journeys with multiple transport companies.

We can also help you with


If you have a physical impairment and need help to and from the train or when changing trains, you can book an escort.

Book escort

Replacement Bus Stops

Here you can find Mälartåg stations and their respective replacement bus stops.

Replacement bus stops

Lost and found

Sometimes misfortune is around the corner. Read more about how we can help you find and retrieve your lost item.

Lost and found

Claims for damages

Information and contact information for you who have suffered an injury or had some of your belongings damaged during the trip.

Claims for damages