If you have questions as a private person about your travel with Mälartåg, please contact Mälardalstrafik Customer Service.
Emergency Traffic Events
Questions about emergency traffic events and operational traffic are handled by our traffic operator Transdev. Their press service is available around the clock by phone. Less urgent matters are answered by e-mail on weekdays during office hours.
To Transdev Pressoffice
Tel: 08-629 51 80
E-post: pressjour@transdev.se
Overall Operations
If you are a journalist and have questions about our overall operations, please contact Mälardalstrafik's press service. Telephone and e-mail are answered weekdays from 09.00-17.00.
Mälardalstrafik Press
Phone number: 08-402 76 40
E-mail: press@malardalstrafik.se
Film and Photo Permits
If you want to film or take photographs on board our trains, you need a permit, which you apply for via our traffic operatör Transdev.