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Organisation and board of directors

Mälardalstrafik is owned by six regions in the Stockholm–Mälaren area. The company is governed by regional political representatives from the owner regions.

Organisation and board of directors

Mälardalstrafik is owned by six regions in the Stockholm–Mälaren area. The company is governed by regional political representatives from the owner regions.

The small company with the big mission

The company is managed by a board consisting of 12 regular members and 12 deputies. The operational work is carried out by an organization of approximately 35 employees.

Board of Directors

Region Stockholm

Anton Fendert (MP), ledamot, styrelseordförande 
Kristoffer Tamsons (M), ledamot, förste vice styrelseordförande
Jens Sjöström (S), suppleant
Daniel Adborn (L), suppleant

Region Sörmland

Monica Johansson (S), ledamot, andre vice styrelseordförande
Christoffer Öqvist (M), ledamot
Mattias Claesson (C), suppleant 
Peter Bernhardsson (S), suppleant

Region Uppsala

Jenny Lundström (MP), ledamot
Cecilia Linder (M), ledamot
Joel Gohari Moghadam (S), suppleant
Frida Björk (KD), suppleant

Region Västmanland

Jenny Landernäs (M), ledamot 
Marino Wallsten (S), ledamot
Sven Fallgren (SD), suppleant 
Karolina Myllergård (S), suppleant 

Region Örebro län

Nina Höijer (S), ledamot
Erik Baecklund (M), ledamot 
Magnus Lagergren (KD), suppleant
Fredrik Dahlberg (SD), suppleant 

Region Östergötland

Jan Owe-Larsson (M), ledamot
Annsofi Ramevik (S), ledamot 
Annette Ohlsson (M), suppleant 
Eva Andersson (S), suppleant 

Operational Activities

The operational activities are led by Mälardalstrafik's CEO, Helena Ekroth, and include several staff units as well as the Traffic & Infrastructure and Customer & Ticket departments.

Contact Information:

Helena Ekroth, CEO
📧 Email:
📞 Phone: +46 8 402 76 01

You can reach Mälardalstrafik employees by phone via the switchboard at +46 8 402 76 00 or by email at

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